C4T contributes to the monographic article entitled "Mobility, one of the new axes of the economy" published in the June - July 2010 ESADE Alumni magazine.
The prestigious business school ESADE publishes bimonthly its magazine ESADE Alumni. As part of the involvement and commitment with the business and economic debate locally and internationally, the institution leads a group of conferences whose axis revolves around the status of new axes of the economy. In the last session, Professor Josep Francesc Valls (PHP of the Department of Marketing Management ESADE, and creator in 1990 of the Centre for Tourism Management at ESADE – director until 2004) outlines the current scenario and future challenges of the mobility sector. C4T is pleased to contribute with our vision and opinion as professionals of the tourism industry.
Highly recomended reading.
PDF attached – only available spanish version.
Pau Pitarch – C4T